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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Week 6-7 ( 9/21 - 10/2 ) : Math Lesson: Topic 3 - Subtraction Strategies


Week 4-5 ( 9/8 - 9/18 ): Math Lesson: Topic2 : Addition Strategies


Week 7 ( 9/28 - 10/2 ) Chinese Lesson: Better Chinese Lesson 19 + Youer Hanyu Lesson 6 + Zhongwen Lesson 6


Week 6 ( 9/21 - 9/25 ) Chinese Lesson: Better Chinese Lesson 18 + Youer Hanyu Lesson 5 + Zhongwen Lesson 5


Week 5 ( 9/14 - 9/18 ) Chinese Lesson: Better Chinese Lesson 17 + Youer Hanyu Lesson 4 + Zhongwen Lesson 4


Week 4 ( 9/7 - 9/12 ) Chinese Lesson: Better Chinese Lesson 16 + Youer Hanyu Lesson 3 + Zhongwen Lesson 3


Happy July and Aug Birthday !!

Science Lesson : The Processes of Science ( Week 5 - 13 )



教师节: 祭孔大典 (九月二十八日) /The Ceremony of Confucius on Teacher's Day( Sep 28)

孔子至善教育动画 / Teacher Confucius Lessones

教师节 孔子的故事(九月二十八日) / The story of Teacher's Day (Sep 28 ) : Confucius

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Cartoon: 神奇寶貝 Pokemon

Haha! This is one of my son's favorite cartoons when he was an elementary student. I believe your child will enjoy this cartoon, too.......POKEMON.......LOL ! 

sing a song : 比卡丘

Cartoon: candy candy 小甜甜 001-1

This is my favorite cartoon when I was an elementary student. I hope your child will enjoy it,  too....have fun !!

Sign a song: 科學小飛俠/小甜甜/無敵鐵金剛

It's SO fun to learn Chinese !!

Sign a song : 小老鼠上燈台

Sign a song : 拔萝卜

Sign a Song : 蜗牛与黄鹂鸟 ( snail and bird )

Sign a song : 当我们同在一起 ( As we come together )

Cartoon : 喜洋洋与灰太狼 04 昏睡果